Supporting the Community Through Partnerships

response.Simple. actively works with community, corporate and legal partners to make access to trusted and effective response letters available to all.

The community partners we work with include legal, fiscal, and rights based non-profit groups that wish to expand their support and services to their clients without additional labor or resources.

Corporations utilize our services to reduce labor and legal costs in responding to ongoing demands.

Of special note, Law firms utilize our powerful "Your Voice" service to build response letters that meet their firm's unique sound and feel, and to quickly draft response letters that can save phenomenal time.

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Working with Community Non-Profits

Expand your services without straining your volunteer time or fiscal resources. We tailor each non-profit relationship to maximize your positive impact on the community.

Expand Your Services

Bring cost effective and time saving tools to clients needing to respond to a single, or multiple, demands. Increase the depth of services that can be tracked and reported on to doners and funders.

Unique Relationships

We build individual relationships with each community partner. No non-profit is the same, and our relationship needs to forward your mission statement, within your process and means.

Minimal Effect on Budgets and Staffing

We work with multiple different approaches in providing response.Simple. to non-profits. These approaches are founded in being aware of your needs, and finding a solution that has minimal impact on your resources.

We Are Community Focused

Check out our About Us page to see our beliefs, which include accessible justice and providing high value services and legal expertise to the marginalized and vulnerable. We are a company that believes in the work of non-profits.

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How we Assist Corporations

Corporations use us to add expertise and professionalism to their legal responses while controlling labor costs and reducing outsourcing to external counsel.

Easy To Use

We've made using response.Simple. as close to self explanatory as possible. People output their very first letter in a minimal amount of time!

Cost Reduction

Smaller corporations save money on reducing outsourcing to external counsel and generating responses in a timelier manner. Refocus released resources on building your business further!

Efficiency Improvement

Large corporations with in-house legal teams utilize us to generate first drafts and near-complete responses in minimal amount of time, allowing your legal experts to focus on final drafting!

Regulatory Compliance

Help ensure timely and accurate responses to regulatory inquiries or reporting requirements.

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How we Assist Law Firms

Law firms utilize our "Your Voice" enhancement to generate text that sounds, feels, and matches your organization's culture and branding. We make each letter not only unique to the response, but to your corporate culture as well.

Your Voice Service

With our Your Voice service, seasoned legal council and junior lawyers and legal assistants all create letters that sound, feel, and match your firm's unique voice and approach. Maintain your high drafting standards no matter the level of firm familiarity of your partners and staff.

Rapid High Accuracy Drafting

With a structured step-by-step process, our system generates letters rapidly, with reduced errors, and improved document accuracy. Generate higher volumes of trustworthy letters in the same amount of time you spend now!

Comprehensive Civil Coverage

Work across multiple practice areas with our support for a wide variety of civil fields, while ensuring consistent quality and formatting.

Priority Support Relationship

We assign you a specific support manager that becomes familiar with your business and exists to provide a priority response to your training, questions and support needs.